Stay of Foreigners
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  • Stay of Foreigners

1_Period of stay

  • Short-term stay:90 days or less
  • Long-term stay:91 days or more
  • Permanent Residence:unlimited

Foreigners with long-term stay or permanent resident status should complete registration as a
foreigner and/or Domestic Residency Report within 90 days of entry.

2_ Scope of Activities and Domestic Employment of Foreigners Staying in Korea

  • Foreigners are allowed to stay in Korea within the scope of their status and the granted period of stay. Foreigners cannot be involved in any political activities unless the law specifically permits their political participation.
  • Foreigners who wish to obtain employment in Korea should have a status which is eligible for employment. Foreigners are allowed to work only at workplaces that have been reported to, or designated by, a local or district immigration office.
  • To change the company of employment, foreigners should get permission from their jurisdictional immigration office prior to making the change.

Reporting a change of residence for foreigners

  • Overview

  • When a foreigner changes his/her place of residence, he/she should report the change to the Gangdong-Gu office of the new residency or competent immigration office ( within 14 days from the date of change.

    * Note: In case of multicultural families, reporting of a change of residence may be done in the Dong-office of his/her current address.

    - From Sep. 30, 2016, reporting of a change of residence for foreigners may be done in both the Gangdong-Gu office and Dong offices.

  • How to report

  • For reporting a change of residence, documents such as identification card (him/herself) and tenancy agreement that can prove the change of address are needed; if a family member would like to report the change on behalf of a certain person, the identification card of the family member and Family Relation Certificate, etc., that can prove the relationship of the reporting person with the person who wants to change their place of residence, should also be submitted in addition to the aforementioned documents.

  • How to report