Gangdong-gu Conducts Site Inspection Ahead of the Opening of Amsa Historical Park Station and Endeavors to Solve Transportation Issues
21-03-2024 |
217 |
Well-Dying Craze Gangdong-gu Operates Unique Pre-Death Planning Service
18-03-2024 |
175 |
Gangdong-gu Accelerates Fostering a Pleasant and Safe Environment for Pedestrians
13-03-2024 |
172 |
Angels in Gangdong-gu Share Warmth with Socially Vulnerable Groups, Recording Highest Contribution for This Winter
05-03-2024 |
160 |
“Landlords on the Lookout and Neighbors Checking In”Gangdong-gu Fully Deploys Its Welfare Safety Net
16-02-2024 |
171 |
Gangdong-gu Confirmed to be Included in the GTX-D RouteUnder MOLIT's 2nd GTX Plan
25-01-2024 |
180 |
The head of Gangdong-gu Kicks Off 2024 by Holding District Report Meetings
12-01-2024 |
160 |
Gangdong-gu Office Develops Collaborative Plan for Local Growth in Godeok Business Valley
18-04-2023 |
288 |
Gangdong-gu Office Notifies Taxpayers of Filing and Paying Corporate and Local Income Taxes in April
13-04-2023 |
387 |
Gangdong-gu Office Provides Tax Benefits through New Local Tax Policies
12-04-2023 |
239 |