Dahana Family Festival
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  • Events for Multicultural Families
  • Dahana Family Festival
Dahana Family Festival 1
Dahana Family Festival 1
Dahana Family Festival 2
Dahana Family Festival 2
Dahana Family Festival 1
Dahana Family Festival 2
  • Started in 2013, Dahana Family Festival is a venue where all residents of Gangdong-gu and multicultural families can communicate with one another by recognizing the social and cultural diversity of our society and embracing each other as their own family.
  • In the festival, there are many things to see, enjoy, and eat along with experiential booths and performances featuring diverse cultures of many different countries.

    An athletic competition where multicultural families and non-multicultural families can all come together is also held.

  • We invite you to this great festival where multicultural and non-multicultural families are all mixed and mingled together as equal members of our society.

About Dahana Family Festival

  • Period: April, May every year
  • Location: Dongmyeong Neighborhood Park's artificial turf soccer field
  • Subject: Members of multicultural families and Gangdong-gu residents
  • Overview: Experiential booths (play, food, culture, etc.) and performances are held featuring diverse cultures of many different countries are provided or an athletic competition where multicultural families and non-multicultural families can all come together.
  • Hosted by: Gangdong-gu Office
  • Organized by: Gangdong Multicultural Family Support Center
  • Contact: Family Policy Division, Gangdong Healthy family Multicultural Family Support Center (02-471-0812~3)