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Progress Year and Contents
Year Content
  • Selected as an exemplary district of Seoul's healthy city initiative with the Healthy Playground for Children project
  • Joined the AFHC and participated the 3rd AFHC Global Conference in Ichikawa
  • Declared as a healthy city with the enactment of the Framework Ordinance for Healthy Cities
  • Joined the KHCP
  • Operated of the Healthy Schools project and Healthy Centenarians Consultation Center
  • Presented municipal best practices at the 4th AFHC Global Conference in Gangnam-gu
  • Selected by the KIHASA for pilot execution of health impact assessment (Gangdong to Hanam BRT)
  • Established the municipal Healthy City Team and promoted the Healthy Centenarians program with nutrition and exercise clubs
  • Promoted healthy community spaces (e.g. schools, childcare centers, markets, workplaces, senior centers)
  • Attended the 5th AFHC Global Conference in Australia and won awards in 4 categories
  • Enacted the Ordinance for the Healthy Centenarians Consultation Center and built Gangdong Bike School
  • Initiated the WHO Healthy City Leadership Programme in 2 countries (i.e. Vietnam, the Philippines)
  • Promoted the WHO “Youth Health and Life Skills” pilot project in 4 middle schools
  • Selected as the 5th chair of the KHCP (2015–2016)
  • Attended the 6th AFHC Global Conference in Hong Kong and won an award in 1 category
  • Operated the KHCP Secretariat as the 5th chair of the KHCP
  • Initiated "Health in All Policies" (HiAP) with 1 healthy city project per department
  • Reelected as the 6th chair of the KHCP (2017–2018) and selected as a member of the AFHC Steering Committee (2016–2020)
  • Attended the 7th AFHC Global Conference in Wonju and won awards in 4 categories
  • Established the Gangdong-gu "Healthy City" Master Plan
  • Promoted the Gangdong-gu "Active Classes, Healthy Schools” childhood obesity prevention project
  • Promoted key joint policies of the KHCP for 13 projects across 4 areas
  • Operated the KHCP Healthy City Leadership Programme (Cambodia)
  • Attended the 21st AFHC Steering Committee Meeting and International Forum (Phnom Penh)
  • Operated the KHCP Policy Leadership Programme (visited 4 countries in northern Europe)
  • Pursued a project to establish the Healthy City Urban Design Guidelines (Urban Planning Division)
  • Held a symposium for the 10th anniversary of the municipal healthy city proclamation
  • Visited the WHO Regional Offices (WPRO, SAERO)
  • Attended the 22nd and 23rd AFHC Steering Committee Meetings: Selected as the chair of the AFHC Steering Committee (2018–2021)
  • Attended the 8th AFHC Global Conference and won awards in 2 categories
  • Active as the chair of the AFHC Steering Committee (2018–2021)
  • Hosted the 24th AFHC Steering Committee Meeting
  • Hosted the AFHC Healthy City International Forum and published the International White Paper
  • Operated the KHCP Healthy City Leadership Programme (Mongolia)
  • Researched the development of a health city index for reducing municipal health disparities
  • Hosted the AFHC Healthy City International Forum (online)
  • Pursued monitoring to improve the municipal healthy city index
  • Identified and compiled key projects for the "Healthy City Gangdong" project (69 projects, 26 departments)
  • Published and posted the Gangdong Urban Health Profile Infographic
  • Reelected as a member of the AFHC Steering Committee (2021–2026)
  • Featured as Korea's first local government's exemplary response to COVID-19 on the WHO website
    Hosted the 25th and 26th AFHC Steering Committee Meetings (online)
  • Attended the 9th AFHC Global Conference (online) and won awards in 5 categories as the chair of the AFHC Steering Committee
  • Awarded at the 6th Korea Healthy Cities Partnership Awards
  • Reelected as chair of the AFHC Steering Committee (2022–2024)
  • Hosted the 27th and 28th AFHC Steering Committee Meetings (online)
  • Awarded at the 6th Korea Healthy Cities Partnership Awards
  • Held a special healthy city happiness lecture "Stress and Me" for residents
  • Awarded at the 8th Korea Healthy Cities Partnership Awards
  • Supported and evaluated the key projects for the "Healthy City Gangdong" project (64 projects, 23 departments, 18 neighborhoods)
  • Held a special healthy city happiness lectures for residents