Creating the Right Atmosphere of a Healthy City
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  • Healthy City
  • Creating the Right Atmosphere of a Healthy City

Creation of a Healthy, Energetic Living Environment

Healthy, Energetic School Life Project

Walking to school/home

Walking to school/home

Starting the day with stretching

Starting the day with stretching

Keep standing in class

Keep standing in class

Playing around during playtime

Playing around during playtime

Active lunch hour

Active lunch hour

Sweating in PE class

Sweating in PE class

Creation of a Healthy, Energetic City Atmosphere

Expansion of sports facilities

Expansion of sports facilities

Expansion of sports facilities

Expansion of sports facilities

Expansion of sports facilities

Expansion of sports facilities

Expansion of sports facilities

Expansion of sports facilities

Playground for Humanities

Ollie GO! Naeri GO! Stair-climbing campaign

  • Posting the benefits of stair-climbing and calorie consumption information in front of elevators of apartment buildings and hospitals, the "Apartment building stair-climbing" campaign can help create a healthy city environment by encouraging residents to practice stair-climbing as regular activity in their everyday lives.
Stair-climbing campaign
  • 1
    Improves the mood
  • 2
    Circulates the blood to prevent cardiovascular disorders such as high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis
  • 3
    Improves backache by developing back and abdominal muscles
  • 4
    Prevents obesity through burning up calories
  • 5
    Relieves pain by strengthening ligaments and muschles around kness
  • 6
    Prevents osteoporosis by strengthening muscles and bones

Strengthening of international cooperative network/ Chair of AFHC Steering Committee (2018-2024)

  • Strengthen the cooperation with various international/domestic healthy city networks such as KHCP, WHO WPRO and AFHC
  • Serve as a Chair City of AFHC Steering Committee to make AFHC health policies for the development of healthy cities in the Western Pacific region