Creating a Healthy Living Place
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  • Healthy City
  • Creating a Healthy Living Place
  • We are constantly working to make Gangdong a great living place for infants and children, by installing adventure play facilities and building a creative playing environment in five children's parks (satbyeol, seonsa, sammul, genae, and dalnim) within Gangdong-gu.

    We are also operating 'Eat balanced meals' cooking class using diverse food materials, with an aim to nurture healthy eating habits in infants and children in line with "Healthy and nutritive eating habit projects for infants and children", and programs such as "Healthy eating education class" for daycare center nursing teachers and 'Daycare nutrition class outreach', an experiential play teaching program.

Creative and fun children's park

Sammul Children's Park

Sammul Children's Park

Genae Children's Park

Genae Children's Park

Healthy and nutritive eating habits projects for infants and children

Eat balanced meals cooking class

Eat balanced meals cooking class

Healthy eating education class

Healthy eating education class

As a chair city of KHCP, Gangdong-gu is supporting various programs with an aim to make our teenagers stay healthy both physically and mentally.

  • By developing the 「Weight control program for children and teenagers」, we established teenager healthy information system for a total of 10 schools (6 middle schools, 4 high schools)
  • With 「Gangdong health+ swimming school」, we selected 7 elementary schools for a pilot program; under the program, 20 swimming lessons will be provided to the 3rd graders, encouraging physical activities of the students and promoting a can-do spirit and water safety awareness.
  • Under the 「One person one sport model school」, a total of 13 elementary, middle, and high schools will be provided with in-school physical activities.

    The programs consist of badminton, new sports, and an interclass league held during the zero hour class, lunch break, and after school.

    Through physical activities where all students are participating in, we aim to create a physical activity 'boom' in schools, thereby making schools full of healthy students.
  • 「Challenge! Youth sports climbing toward dreams」, provided in the artificial rock climbing wall for youth in Gangdong Career and Job Experience Center, is designed to help teenagers challenge their own limits, constantly set new goals, and grow physically and mentally in doing so.
Gangdong Health+ Swimming school

Gangdong Health+ Swimming school

One person, one activity: sports model school

One person, one activity: sports model school

Sammul Children's Park

Sammul Children's Park

Youth sports climbing

Youth sports climbing