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Gangdong-gu Establishes Master Planfor Smart and Green City Gangdong-type Digital New Deal applied to determine the Big 5 directions, 13 initiatives, and 37 projects Quality of life expected to be enhanced with the Smart City Service Project
15-04-2021 294
Gangdong-gu to Install and Operate Additional AI Resource Circulation and Collection Robots (Nephron) - "Nephron No. 4," unmanned AI collection robot, to be installed in Gangdong Community Center - Applied AI and IoT to resource circulation robot
26-03-2021 324
Gangdong-gu Establishes Quick Response System for Gas Safety - Utilized social media (NAVER Band) to prepare quick reporting system in case of gas accident - Gangdong Gas Safety Keepers formed by staffs and safety managers from 5 agencies and 15 work sites
24-03-2021 297
Gangdong-gu Official Who Led Recycling of Ice Packs Receives Presidential Citation on “Active Administration Merit” - Gangdong-gu official received Presidential lCitation for implementing active administration highly appreciated by people - Established environment-friendly ice pack reuse and collection system, the first of its kind among local governments nationwide, to lead implementation of virtuous cycle of resources
24-03-2021 316
Gangdong-gu to Operate "2021 Gangdong After School" to Bridge Educational Gaps - District to provide educational guidance and career path counseling to students in elementary through high schools of vulnerable social groups - Expected to reduce educational gaps among students caused by prolonged COVID-19
19-03-2021 304
Farmers in the City — Gangdong-gu Opens City Gardens - 7 locations opened on Saturday, Mar. 27 in Gangil, Garaeyeoul, Amsa, Sangil, Gil-dong, Iljasan Mountain and Healing Farm - Video training provided for novice farmers
15-03-2021 297
Gangdong-gu Promotes Colorful Cultural Projects for the 2021, the Year of Revitalization for Elders. Support for various activities of seniors through the Gangdong-gu Branch of Korean Senior Citizens Association and Holy Family Senior Welfare Center. Promotion of new "Visiting Tuesday Stage" as enjoyable cultural project for seniors
22-02-2021 298
Gangdong-gu Operates Visiting Welfare Counseling Center. Opening of online counseling center, operation of systematic counseling center in response of COVID-19. Construction of tightly woven welfare safety net with reinforced one-on-one visiting counseling for at-risk households
18-02-2021 334
Participate in the Nutrition Plus Project for Healthy Mothers and Infants. Gangdong-gu recruits participants for "Nutrition Plus Project" for pregnant women and infants. Six-month education and consultation on nutrition; support for customized supplementary foods to improve nutritional imbalances
17-02-2021 289
Gangdong-gu Becomes Mecca of Elegant Culture and Art! Gangdong-gu commissions master planner for culture and arts. Systematic support of local culture and art policies through consultations with experts in culture and arts
16-02-2021 332