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Headline Date Views
Gangdong-gu Protects Your Vision$-Additional ophthalmological complications examination as part of theCitizen Health Point project for patients with hypertension and diabetes
06-09-2018 184
Gangdong-gu Collecting Broken Umbrellas$-Operation of Free Umbrella Repair Center at recycling center in Godeok-dong, Gangdong-gu-- Permanent installment of broken umbrella collection in all community service centers in Gangdong-gu
05-09-2018 234
Gangdong-gu Rewards Filial Grant to Filial Children$-Gangdong-gu rewards a filial grant of KRW 200,000 to households supporting elders over the age of 100-Instills pride in filial deeds and creates a beautiful filial city of Gangdong
05-09-2018 177
Gangdong-gu Youth Designers Invited to Fashion Show in Milan$-Designers to participate in the biggest leather fashion show, MIPEL, in Milan, Italy, from September 16 to 19-- A green light for the Gangdong-gu youth-oriented leather fashion industry highlights local features
04-09-2018 195
Future-generation Children Create Green Energy with Sunflower Seeds$-Gangdong-gu to open Bioenergy Farm Workshop for elementary school students on September 5-Various programs include making biodiesel with sunflower seeds and cotton candy with self-powered bicycle
04-09-2018 168
Gangdong-gu Conducts 2018 Local Health Examinations$-Gangdong-gu conducts 2018 Local Health Examinations for 916 residents over age 19-- Plans to be conducted by examiner household visitations for one-on-one consultations by October
04-09-2018 172
A Future Organizational Efficiency in Gangdong$-Gangdong-gu pushes forward with reorganization through increased efficiency in preparation for population growth up to 500,000 residents)-Preparation for inclusive urban projects free of discrimination with equal benefits
22-08-2018 172
Gangdong-gu Takes Initiative in Reducing Disposable Goods Use!$-Gangdong-gu inspects use of disposable cups in coffee shops and fast food restaurants-Entire staff of Gangdong-gu Office takes the initiative in the use of personal cups and cultural propagation of eco-friendly consumption
17-08-2018 196
Gangdong-gu Selects A Happy Gangdong as Administrative Goal during 7th Popular Elections$-Selection of new administrative goal, guide, and slogan, of the 7th popular elections that encompass the district’s vision and philosophy-Commencing of construction of a future-oriented happy city centered on residents with balance of growth and distribution
08-08-2018 189
Gangdong-gu Women’s Career Program Helps Mothers Get Back on Track$-Gangdong-gu recruits participants for the Fall Women’s Career Program help mothers return to their careers -Classes by 11 popular programs, including health management for mothers and newborns, babysitting, and career counseling
08-08-2018 176