Gangdong-gu Public Haegong Daycare Center Given "A for Excellence" in Evaluation of Long-term Care Insurance$-Received A for Excellence in the 2019 Regular Evaluation of Long-term Care Insurance for 24-hour care facilities
20-05-2020 |
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“Honest Gangdong, Trusted Gangdong” Selected as Honesty Catchphrase$-Honest Gangdong's catchphrase suggested and selected by employees containing determination of public officials to remain honest-Formation of an honest Gangdong with inspired integrity, creation of an honest culture, operation of honest systems, realization of an honest environment
15-05-2020 |
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Gangdong-gu Introduces First "Untact Dementia Treatment System" in Seoul$-Implementation of the "remote dementia screenings" in response to COVID-19; untact treatment with visiting nursing services-Anticipation of minimized gap in dementia care with long-term closure of Center for Dementia
13-05-2020 |
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Let’s Overcome COVID-19 Together!$-Gangdong-gu shares side dishes with vulnerable groups at the Seongnae Social Welfare Center-District campaigns to revitalize traditional markets stagnant due to COVID-19
30-04-2020 |
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Commencement of Research Services for Establishment of Smart City Gangdong Masterplan$-Mid- and long-term roadmap for development to be established from 2021-2025 for yearly, step-by-step advancement-Professor Lee Jae-seung of the Seoul National University Graduate School of Environmental Studies commissioned as Head of Smart City Planning
29-04-2020 |
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Gangdong-gu SingSing-Dream Selected as Excellent Local Food Market$-Selected as an “Excellent Farmers’ Market 2019” by Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs-Popular as venue that provides safe food for residents and stable market for eco-friendly farms
27-04-2020 |
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Automatic Civil Document Issuance Machines Made Easier with Card Payments!$-Gangdong-gu offers easy payment service of automatic civil document issuance machines with credit card and mobile payments-Improved customer convenience with diversified payment options for issuance of civil documents
22-04-2020 |
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Gangdong-gu Awarded in Seoul Tax Assessment for Fourth Consecutive Year$-Awarded for the fourth consecutive year in the tax affairs category for city-district cooperative projects-Acquired top score in Seoul for the fourth consecutive year in the area of management performance of local tax refunds-Attained best performance results ever (as an Excellent District) in the area of local tax revenue discovery
17-04-2020 |
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Gangdong-gu is First Local Government to Construct 3D Virtual Remote Learning System$-“Gangdong E-Studio“ opens April 9 with online demonstration by current teacher-Minimized gap in learning through production of online content, support for remote learning courses, and video counseling for career path and higher education
09-04-2020 |
265 |
What do residents think of Gangdong-gu? A city where 'growth' is 'anticipated'!$-Percentage of positive keywords rise from 38.7% in 2017 to 50% in 2019 according to social data analysis-Positive feedback on main policies like support for free school uniforms and district regulations on fine particulate matter
09-03-2020 |
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