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The head of Gangdong-gu Kicks Off 2024 by Holding District Report Meetings


The head of Gangdong-gu Kicks Off 2024 

by Holding District Report Meetings

-The 2024 District Report Meetings will begin starting from Mar. 23, where the district vision and key projects will be presented

-A meeting to listen to opinions on local issues and communicate directly with residents

 Gangdong-gu Office (Head: Lee Soo-hee) will hold the 2024 District Report Meetings from Mar. 23 to explain the direction of Gangdong-gu’s operation in 2024 and share the current local issues with the residents, providing a time for communication.

  The 2024 District Report Meetings will be held in seven districts starting from Amsa-dong, and will also be conducted online to allow participation by office workers and self-employed individuals. 

  At this event, the head of Gangdong-gu Lee Soo-hee will be present to explain the direction of Gangdong-gu’s operation in 2024 and the key projects to the residents. She will communicate directly with the residents about local issues to listen to various opinions.

  Gangdong-gu also plans to actively review suggestions received on overall district administration and local issues on-site in order to address residents’ concerns and resolve any grievances. 

  At the dialog with residents held last year, Gangdong-gu received 201 on-site opinions, excluding complaints that require long-term review, and processed 137 complaints.

  Currently, Gangdong-gu is publicly recruiting participants for the district report meetings to directly listen to various voices from the field. Residents who wish to participate can apply by phone or visit their respective local community centers.

  In addition, Gangdong-gu will also conduct three sessions of online district report meetings from Feb. 1–5 for residents who are unable to attend in person. Applications can be submitted via the Gangdong-gu Office website or by scanning the QR code.

  The head of Gangdong-gu Lee Soo-hee expressed her New Year’s aspirations, stating, “The upcoming district report meetings will be a valuable time to share Gangdong-gu’s major plans for the year with the residents and listen to vivid opinions from the field. We will pursue open administration, communicating at the residents’ level and reflecting valuable opinions in the district administration to make living in Gangdong-gu something to be proud of.”



On-site of dialog with residents in 2023

2024 District Report Meeting schedule and participant recruitment poster