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Gangdong-gu to Operate "2021 Gangdong After School" to Bridge Educational Gaps - District to provide educational guidance and career path counseling to students in elementary through high schools of vulnerable social groups - Expected to reduce educational gaps among students caused by prolonged COVID-19


 Gangdong-gu (Mayor Lee Jung-hun) plans to operate "2021 Gangdong After School," which consults elementary, middle and high school students on their learning and career paths, in an effort to resolve the widening educational gaps caused by the prolonged COVID-19.


 With the recent increase in the importance of remote classes due to COVID-19, educational gaps are growing depending on differences in learning environments between schools and individuals, which has subsequently raised emotional and psychological anxiety of students and parents.

  In response, Gangdong-gu will operate "Gangdong After School" for elementary, middle and high school students of low-income households to provide counseling and consulting on learning, career paths, cover letter writing and interviews.

  Gangdong After School, which operated lectures online and offline in parallel last year, offered 408 cases of consulting for 34 students from 15 schools up to March this year. Last year, in particular, it expanded the previous consulting targets of middle and high school students and also included elementary school mentees, which received positive feedback.

  Learning guidance and counseling tailored to individual student were provided through learning type and pre-diagnoses of personality of the mentees, and, thanks to continuous cooperation of university student mentors and education counselors, the local education experts, an outstanding consulting effect was displayed in the students.

  2021 Gangdong After School provides continuous consulting to students who are currently participating in the program to seek long-term learning guidance and effectiveness in career path counseling. Moreover, a total of 60 students from elementary, middle and high schools will be recruited additionally in the new semester through recommendations from schools and institutions.

  The district plans to run one-on-one consulting for assistance tailored to each student, actively recruit college mentors enrolled in colleges of education, and hold capacity building program for teachers, planning to solidify its program operations.


  In addition, real-time online classes using Gangdong Remote Class Platform will be held to prevent COVID-19, and various contactless means such as phone calls and FaceTalk will be actively employed.

  Mayor Lee stated, "I hope Gangdong After School will help students and parents who are suffering from educational gaps caused by COVID-19. We will systematically operate the entire process of learning, career planning and enrollment to help ensure the students' right to learn and their psychological stability.”

Pre-learning test at Gangdong After School last September

Leisure Program of Holy Family Senior Welfare Center

Pre-learning test at Gangdong After School last September

Pre-learning test at Gangdong After School last September