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2019 New Welfare Information for Gangdong-gu Residents$-Gangdong-gu provides high school students with free school uniforms, households with four or more children with a special childbirth grant and scholarships for school entrance, and every resident with safety insurance. -These resident support policies will help make a Happy Gangdong.


Welcoming in the new year, Gangdong-gu, headed by Mayor Lee Jung-hun, will lead the charge to support the lives of residents. High school freshman will be offered a free school uniform and households with four or more children will receive special childbirth grants and a cash scholarship when one of their children enter school. Also, every resident is insured up to a maximum of 10 million won in case of accident. These pioneering policies are the first of their kind among the 25 districts of Seoul.

The school uniform has been steadily getting more expensive. But, starting this year, the burden faced by Gangdong-gu freshmen and their parents will be lessened. Last September, the district enacted an ordinance, the first of its kind among all 25 districts of Seoul, to financially support the purchase of school uniforms. That’s why, this year, over 3,800 high school freshmen will receive financial support for the purchase of their school uniform.

The maximum amount of the money allotted, according to the highest price of a school uniform as determined by the Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education, will be 300,000 won per person and it should be applied for it in March at the student’s high school or on the Gangdong-gu website. The Free School Uniform Project was a measure voted on in the 7th popular elections and the district is planning to gradually expand the financial support to students entering middle school as well. (Youth Education Division ☎+82-2-3425-5200)

For high school third-year students, eco-friendly lunch is provided free of charge. Gangdong-gu is investing 700 million won to ensure students can have healthy diets. By 2021, all high school students in the district will be benefitting from this free meal policy. (Youth Education Division ☎+82-2-3425-5200)

Support for households with four or more children will increase as well. Starting in March, these households will receive special childbirth grants and scholarships for their children who enter school. Unlike the general childbirth grant that is given only once after the mother has given birth to a child, the special childbirth grant provides the household with 200,000 won every month until a month before the child turns five years old (59 months). The maximum support period for each household is five years. Starting in February, you can apply for the grant by visiting the community service center.

The fourth child and any children born after them will receive a 500,000 won cash gift when they enter elementary, middle, or high school. You should apply for it within one year after entrance. (Women Family Division ☎+82-2-3425-5780)

Accident insurance has been taken out for every resident against unexpected accidents during daily life. The coverage includes death or injury due to an explosion, fire, building collapse, or natural disaster and injuries sustained from public transportation accidents or robbery. Medical expenses are also paid for children under 12 years old who are injured by car accidents inside the school zone.

Those who are registered as residents of Gangdong-gu can receive up to 10 million won per person in case of accident, no matter where in the country it happens. If one moves in or out of Gangdong-gu, the insurance is automatically joined or withdrawn from without any separate procedures. Its coverage is effective even if an individual has signed up for other insurance. (Administrative Management & Safety Division ☎+82-2-3425-5172)

“As we welcome the year of the pig, Gangdong-gu will be actively pursuing policies that support residents in their lives and will be carried out as the first of their kind in Seoul in order to realize reliable welfare for our residents and make a Happy Gangdong.” - Mayor Lee Jung-hun