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Get Gangdong-gu news on your mobile device!$- Gangdong-gu has overhauled its online culture portal by introducing a more responsive web design, and enhanced accessibility by providing a more optimized display for PCs and smart devices.


Gangdong-gu, headed by Mayor Lee Jung-hun, announced the overhaul of its online culture portal (, where you can get news about local culture, tourism, and festivities, integrating cutting-edge technology and responsive web design.

This overhaul consolidated various menus and website contents that had previously been separated into distinct PC and mobile versions. This enables users of mobile devices to benefit from the same level of service as on the PC. Users now can enjoy better readability and accessibility, because the responsive web design has an optimized display and operates more smoothly depending on the device that is being used.

The design of the website was improved with the cutting-edge technology in order to match this new responsive layout and also to offer more customized services by arranging cultural news content regarding tourist sites, events, and festivals to be viewable at-a-glance.

Gangdong-gu will make an effort to increase how efficiently contents on both the PC and mobile versions of the website are managed and to enhance the convenience of users by conducting surveys and continuously monitoring visitors’ satisfaction.

Mayor Lee Jung-hun said that, “the overhaul of the website will allow users to consume the cultural news in Gangdong-gu whenever and wherever they want. We will continue to make an unwavering effort in advancing the quality of its contents and convenience for the users.”

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