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Writer Lee Nakyoung
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Subject From climate Photo Exhibition to Eolssu Day Campaign, Gangdong-gu is leading the low-carbon campaign

Amid growing interest in low-carbon life due to the heightened sense of climate change crisis, Gangdong-gu, Seoul, actively participated in the "Climate Change Week" to mark the 52nd Earth Day.

The district announced on the 22nd that it will actively promote climate change and encourage low-carbon living through various events during the 14th Climate Change Week, which runs from this day to the 28th.

On the first floor of Gangdong-gu Office, a "climate crisis and energy photo exhibition" will be held to display a total of 20 works, including "local rain," the 38th and 39th weather and climate photo exhibitions by the Korea Meteorological Administration, and "Junk Art," which was selected through the Gangdong-gu resident of Gangdong-gu.

At 8 p.m. on the same day, they will participate in a 10-minute "happy light-off" event for the Earth. It will induce participation of public institutions and large buildings in the region to have experience in responding to the climate crisis together.

It will also carry out a campaign to practice EarthDay to spread its low-carbon lifestyle. You can participate by posting photos or videos of sharing or practicing energy saving know-how in real life on social media such as blogs and Facebook along with essential hashtags (#Eolsuday, #EnergySaving, #GreenLifePractice, etc.).

Lee Jung hun, mayor of Gangdong-gu, said, "I hope that the event of the Climate Change Week will serve as an opportunity to think about the importance of the environment and participate in climate action for the planet even after the climate change week is over."