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This bulletin board is a space for posting memories in Gangdong-gu or for making suggestions. Postings that contain obscene language, violence, slander, commercial materials or election-related content may be deleted without prior notice. We appreciate your cooperation in creating a sound and pleasant environment.

Writer Moon Heesun
Phone number 010-9********
Email z***********************
Subject Gangdong-gu's space to make your new year's wish come true

Labor Rights Center
Gangdong-gu Labor Rights Center provides free labor law counseling and psychological counseling for everyone working. Lawyers and certified public labor attorney will conduct regular consultations and consult on various labor issues at work, including violations of the minimum wage, personal use of holiday, overdue wages, industrial accidents, and unfair layoffs. Psychological operation and healing program that can diagnose and relieve mental stress caused by labor is also expanding, and 1:1 personal counseling is supported if necessary after stress diagnosis, and night counseling (Tuesday and Thursday) is also held. (You must make a reservation in advance)

When you need a space for education and gathering, the Angel Workshop Herb Center
On December 2nd (Thursday), cooking classes for teenagers using the Gangdong Youth Support Center were held at the experience center on the second floor of the Angel Workshop Herb Center (referred to as the Herb Center, Seongan-ro 108, Seongnae-dong). The day is a time to make oranda(오란다), which is considered a popular snack these days, and Lee Jae-in, CEO of "Jen Atelier," the 12th store of Angel Workshop, which mainly offers cooking classes such as snacks and cakes, gave a class.
CEO Lee said, "Due to the narrow workshop, it is difficult to teach in the workshop itself if there are more than six students, and at this time we use the hub center rental," and added, "I am very satisfied because it is close to Gangdong Station and the space is comfortable." In addition to the experience center, the Angel Workshop Herb Center is actively used in community halls, lab rooms, conference rooms, and multipurpose rooms. On this day, the lab rental for the after-school class (coding class) centered on Angel Workshop's "Mokseol" and "Picture Gift" classes and reservation for a one-person workbench were full. All spaces are available after reservation, and Gangdong-gu residents will receive a 50% discount on rental fees. In 2022, the "Angel Workshop Experience Program" for ordinary residents will be expanded.