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30-minute daily exercise 10 minutes at a time!Let's walk together every Wednesday Gangdong-gu Walking Day


Gangdong-gu is promoting a healthy lifestyle to its residents through a walking exercise that is easy for anyone to do in their daily lives. Metabolic syndrome and chronic diseases due to a lack of physical activity is on the rise. Walking is the most basic type of physical activity; yet, it improves circulation and respiratory function, and is an important exercise that should be done every day.

As part of the 30-minute daily exercise project that can easily be achieved in daily life, Gangdong-gu has installed and is operating a traffic light signboard for the walking project at all 18 of its community service centers. Moreover, they are encouraging office workers, who cannot manage their health properly due to their busy schedules, to participate in the 30-minute daily exercise during their lunch hour.

Every Wednesday during the lunch hour, office workers begin to gather under the Wisteria tree at the Gangdong-gu Health Center. The Gangdong-gu Office employees use their lunch hour every Wednesday to walk around Gangdong-daero and the Olympic Park. There are many employees that chat over a cup of coffee, but many employees who do not have enough time to exercise gather at lunch time to walk together. After walking together and completing the stretching exercise in pairs, the employees are filled with energy and laughter. They participate in the walking exercise for their health, but it becomes a place of communication and helps improve work efficiency as well.

Gangdong-gu asks its residents for their active participation in the 30-minute daily exercise by walking to work or a store, getting off a few stations before and walking, parking far from their destination and walking, using stairs rather than the elevator or getting some physical activity rather than drinking coffee or smoking during their break time.

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