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This bulletin board is a space for posting memories in Gangdong-gu or for making suggestions. Postings that contain obscene language, violence, slander, commercial materials or election-related content may be deleted without prior notice. We appreciate your cooperation in creating a sound and pleasant environment.

Writer Shim MiJi
Phone number ********
Subject Gangdong Waits For Your Helping Hand (Donations for Difficult Neighbors)

Gangdong Waits For Your Helping Hand

Recieving donations for difficult neighbors until 2/19 next year

Our community is promoting the '2018 Hope Ondol Warm Winter (2018 희망온돌 따뜻한 겨울나기)' project for three months from 11/20 to 2/19 next year, working together with the Community Chest of Korea (서울사회복지공동모급회) and the city of Seoul.

In spite of the recession of the last year, a total amount of 1.39 billion won was raised, which is 114% of the target amount and 106% of the previous year's performance. Donations and gifts were fully used to support low-income inhabitants' cost of living, education, housing, and to help neighbors in need.

Based on the community's common spirit that local residents themselves take care of difficult neighbors, the Hope Ondol business promotes ▲Making a warm winter ▲Emergency support for vulnerable groups ▲The Visiting Hope Wagon(찾아가는 희망마차) ▲Making a happy room ▲Hope Sharing Campaign ▲Seoul Didimdol Project(아름다운 이웃 서울 디딤돌) ▲Helping families that are under a housing crisis

Our community strongly encourages your participation, and appreciates all sorts of donations from money to rice and old furniture or books. Your helping hand can help improve the lives of many unfortunate neighbors.Give your neighbors a gift so that they can spend a warm, pleasant winter.

The receipt account for donations is Woori Bank 015-176590-13-515 (Account holder: 사회복지공동모금회서울특별시자치회). For inquiries and receipt of gifts and donations, please contact the welfare department of the ward office (구청 복지정책과) or the local community center.