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Writer Cho yujin
Phone number 010-8********
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Subject Gangdong-gu to Integrated Child Care for Disabilities in Nursery School in 2022 Conduct training for support

Gangdong-gu announced that it will provide special integrated education to daycare center staff from the 18th.

This training will be conducted at the Gangdong-gu Comprehensive Child Care Support Center to support overall understanding of children with disabilities and the operation of integrated daycare centers with disabilities and to enhance understanding of infants with disabilities.

The training will be conducted in a total of three lectures, and the first lecture will be "General Education on Integrated Disability Operation," which will consist of how to operate an integrated daycare center for the disabled and specific matters to be understood in the operation process.

Chapter 2 aims to improve teachers' expertise with 'education for IPL and case-oriented education for children at the development boundary'.

Finally, the third class understands the importance of cooperation between childcare teachers and special teachers with "cooperation between teachers and communication education with parents" and conducts education on necessary cooperation skills for each situation. In particular, we understand how to cope with special situations that may appear in integrated education and look forward to cooperation with parents beyond cooperation between teachers through communication education between parents and teachers.
Those eligible for education are special teachers and childcare staff at daycare centers in the jurisdiction, and face-to-face education will be conducted at the Gangdong Children's Center. Applications for education can be made through the Gangdong Children's Center website ( by 14:00 on the 10th (Tue).

A district official said, "We expect that this special integrated education will increase interest in integrated daycare centers for the disabled and establish a cooperative system for teachers, parents and daycare centers through expertise and understanding of children with disabilities."

For more information, contact the Gangdong-gu Child Care Support Center (☎02-486-0556).