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Writer Park Sejin
Phone number 010********
Subject Evolving resident safety insurance.

Safety insurance, which the Seoul has subscribed to for residents affected by various natural disasters and social disaster crimes, is evolving to the next level. Nowon-gu added support for diagnosis of adverse reactions to vaccinations, and Gangdong-gu added support for treatment of traffic accidents in the silver zone.

Safety insurance subscribed to by autonomous districts is automatically terminated when all residents receive benefits without a separate subion procedure and move to another area. Insurance payments of up to 10 million won are paid regardless of the area where the accident occurred, but the compensation varies by autonomous district. Duplicate coverage is also possible with personal insurance.

Starting next month, Nowon-gu will add the cost of diagnosing vaccination adverse reactions (anaphylaxis) and treatment for dog bites to the guaranteed items. Reflecting the situation in which all citizens have been vaccinated against COVID-19 since last year, one of the major adverse reactions, allergic hypersensitivity reactions, has been added. If you visit the emergency room and receive a diagnosis, 400,000 won will be provided.

The intention is to actively respond to the recent increase in pet safety accidents. In the event of an accident, you can receive 500,000 won for emergency room treatment.

In addition, insurance money will be paid to deaths from infectious diseases, sexual violence crimes, gas accident injuries, and aftereffects. Within three years from the date of the accident, the victim or legal heir can apply to the Korea Local Finance Mutual Aid Association.

The head of Nowon-gu District Office, said, "We have actively reflected new disaster situations such as COVID-19 so that residents can receive more practical guarantees," adding, "We will thoroughly prepare for various disasters and various safety accidents."

Gangdong-gu added additional items to treat injuries to traffic accidents in the silver zone, reflecting changes in the times, such as an increase in the elderly population and the expansion of elderly protection zones. Up to 10 million won will be provided for treatment if residents aged 65 or older are injured in a traffic accident in the silver zone.

Gangdong-gu Safety Insurance covers residents with resident registration and registered foreigners. In addition to accidents while using public transportation, injury treatment expenses are also provided if children under the age of 12 suffer a traffic accident in the school zone.

Mayor Lee Jung hun said, "The residents' safety insurance is an institutional safety device that will provide reliable support when they are frustrated by an unexpected accident," adding, "We will actively promote and supplement the system."