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Writer Kim Taeyeon
Phone number 010-6********
Email r*********************
Subject Lee Jung-hun, Mayor of Gangdong-gu, participated in the ‘Energy Saving Campaign in Everyday Life’ challenge

Gangdong-gu mayor Lee Jung-hun recently participated in the 'energy saving campaign in daily life' challenge. This challenge started in September with the goal of revitalizing the energy conservation action movement amid the growing importance of climate change response and carbon neutrality around the world. In particular, it is very meaningful to participate in the energy conservation movement in a situation where social interest in the environment has increased recently and social and economic problems due to carbon neutrality are continuously occurring. Mayor Lee was nominated by Mayor Kim Soo-young of Yangcheon-gu as ‘Carbon-neutral to practice together, hot and cold water off (OFF)! They participated in the challenge holding a sign that reads ‘Environment ON!’.

Gangdong-gu plans to use electric heaters and hot and cold-warm water heaters in the district office to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. About 100 electric heaters and hot and cold-warm water heaters in the ward office are planning to install a power saving timer outlet that saves electricity. This is expected to have the effect of reducing 636 kg of carbon dioxide emissions per month within the district office alone. In addition, plan to designate and operate an “energy keeper” for each department within the ward office. In order for the energy saving movement to spread to society, it is important to save energy in daily life. The Energy Keeper is in charge of a campaign that discovers and implements examples of energy saving that can occur in everyday life. Mayor Lee said, “I hope that you will join us in our precious practice toward carbon neutrality in our daily lives with the mindset of ‘Let’s start with me’ instead of ‘I am the only one’ for the implementation of carbon neutrality in 2050.” “In addition, Gangdong-gu will take the lead in implementing carbon neutrality in the future.”