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Writer Nam Gain
Phone number 010********
Email g******************
Subject Gangdong-gu Creates Digital Jobs with AI Data Labeling Education

Gangdong-gu (Mayor Lee Jung hun) has promoted job linking for students who have completed data labeling training, which has been running since April, and this action has achieved the result of 23 out of 100 people having entered the digital industry.

Data labeling is a data pre-processing operation that constructs learning data that computers can learn by attaching labels or annotations to data. ‘Data labelers’ who perform these tasks are emerging as a promising new job in the digital new deal era since they can work from home and have low entry barriers.

Accordingly, Gangdong-gu has been operating data labeling education since last April and has produced 100 graduates and by providing opportunities to participate in projects conducted by AI-specialized companies and institutions such as ‘Seoul National University’ and ‘Neo-Module Co., Ltd.’, data competency enhancement and job linkage were promoted. As a result, it was found that career-interrupted women, housewives, and job-seeking students who had had difficulties finding a job for a long time are now actively working as data labelers, generating profits.

Gangdong-gu mayor Lee Jung hun said, “In these times when data utilization capabilities are considered important in the digital new deal, creating digital jobs through education is of great significance. We will continue to expand these educational opportunities in the future so that we can obtain such opportunities.”

The 4th education on data labeling in Gangdong-gu will be opened on October 25th, and applications will be accepted for an appliance duration for two weeks from October 4th to 18th on the Gandgond-gu office official website.