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Writer Park Juyeon
Phone number 010-3********
Email p*******************
Subject Gangdong-gu won the "Minister of Public Administration and Security Award" at the Korea Knowledge Awards hosted by the 10th Ministry of Public Administration and Security in 2021.

Gangdong-gu (Mayor Lee Jung hun) won the "Minister of Public Administration and Security Award" in the field of knowledge administration at the 10th Korea Knowledge Awards in 2021 organized by the Ministry of Public Administration and Security.

The Korea Knowledge Awards was produced in 2012 to discover and share best practices of administrative, public, and private institutions to spread knowledge-based administration and management culture, and the final awardees are selected through written screening, online public review, and presentation review.

Gangdong-gu, which won the Ministerial Award at the Knowledge Awards, was highly praised for establishing a labor rights center, establishing a dedicated organization such as smart city promotion, suggesting ideas for residents and employees, utilizing external knowledge resources, and communicating with residents. This is because it shows excellent results in all aspects.

Gangdong-gu's labor rights center, which is directly operated for the first time in the country, policies for workers and small business owners, Gangdong-type space welfare projects, the establishment of the nation's first ice pack reuse collection system, and creation of Gangdong e-Studio are excellent policies benchmarked by numerous institutions. Amid growing concerns over remote classes due to COVID-19, it is expected to establish a stable online class by establishing a 3D virtual remote class platform. In addition, as many gift sets come and go for Chuseok, there will be more ice packs thrown away. Starting with the establishment of the nation's first ice pack reuse collection system, it is expected to have a good impact on other districts.
Mayor Lee Jung-hun said, "We will continue to do our best to create a happy Gangdong along with the development of local communities by communicating with residents and promoting innovative policies through knowledge-based Lunar New Year's administration."